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Liszt F. Annees de Pelerinage, CPH

Liszt F. Annees de Pelerinage, CPH
0 vouting
Manufacturer: Publisher Composer Saint Petersburg
barcode: 9790660005958
Article: 979-0-66000-595-8


979-0-66000-595-8 Liszt F. Annees de Pelerinage (Years of Wandering). For piano. Volume 1, Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

The “Compozitor Publishing House” (St Petersburg) offers your attention the publication of the well-known piano cycle “Ann?es de pelerinage” by F. Liszt in two volumes. The first volume of our edition includes the “Premi?re ann?e. Suisse” (1848–1854); the second volume — “Seconde ann?e. Italie” (1837–1839), “Venezia е Napoli” (1859) and the piece “Les jeux d'eaux ? la villa d'Este” from “Troisieme ann?e” (1867–1877), mostly often performed by the pianists.
Just survey this immense work and recall Liszt's own words: “Music masterpieces will no doubt imbibe more and more ideas from the literature”. Once Liszt determined the novel “Obermann” (1804) by the French pre-romantic writer Etienne de S?nancour: (1770–1846) “the story about human spirit's unique development”. It should be mentioned, that this exact literary work inspired the composer's imagination, while his fantasy gave birth to the piece “Vallee d' Obermann” (“Premiere ann?e. Suisse”). Therefore it must be true the “Annees de Pelerinage” as the story about the artist's spiritual perfection through the amalgamation with the world aesthetic creations.

I. Chapelle de Guillaume Tell
II. Ay lac wallenstadt
III. Pastorale
IV. Au bord d'une source
V. Orage
VI. Vall?e d'Obermann
VII. ?glogue
VIII. Le mal du pays
IX. Les cloches de Gen?ve

Pages: 64.
Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg; 2003

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