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Music by I. Dunaevsky in versions for two piano, Compozitor Publishing House

Music by I. Dunaevsky in versions for two piano, Compozitor Publishing House
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Manufacturer: Publisher Composer Saint Petersburg
Article: 979-0-66004-640-1


979-0-66004-640-1 Music by I. Dunaevsky in versions for two pianos by Grigory Korchmar. Captain Grant's Children: Suite from Film Music. Festive march from the film Circus, Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

The concert repertoire for two pianos is quite diverse. Even if we do not count the transcriptions of classical concerts, wonderful original works have been written for this ensemble, transcriptions of symphonic music have been created, suites have been composed from fragments of ballets...
But still, the transcriptions of film music by Isaac Dunaevsky offered in this collection are, without a doubt, a very noticeable contribution to the repertoire of the piano ensemble. This music, beloved by several generations of listeners, was written for outstanding films included in the golden fund of Russian film classics - films directed by Vladimir Weinshtok "The Children of Captain Grant" (1936) and directed by Grigory Alexandrov "Circus" (filmed in the same 1936) - now again entered the repertoire of orchestras in the form of independent pieces performed on the concert and philharmonic stage. We listen to this music and remember our favorite literary characters of Jules Verne, famous movie characters from both films, as well as wonderful actors. Songs about the brave but shy captain ("Captain, captain, smile…") and about the cheerful wind ("Come on, sing a song to us, cheerful wind") are known, it seems, to everyone to this day... The music of Isaac Dunaevsky then, three quarters of a century ago, provided half the success of these films. But it is not outdated. On the contrary, having survived decades of historical changes, it sparkled with new colors, sometimes acquired new meanings and interpretations - and confirmed its qualities as a musical classic.
A version for two pianos of the Suite from the music for the film "The Children of Captain Grant" and the Exit March from the film "The Circus" was created by composer and pianist Grigory Korchmar in 2006. The result is music that sounds convincingly as an independent composition for a piano ensemble - bright, impressive concert numbers, destined to be enthusiastically received by the public...

Pages: 68.
Soft cover.
Compozitor Publishing House – Saint-Petersburg.
ISMN/ISBN: 979-0-66004-640-1

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