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Timonin Yu. Comp. These many-sided keys, Faina Publishing House

Timonin Yu. Comp. These many-sided keys, Faina Publishing House
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Manufacturer: Издательский дом Фаина Москва
Article: 979-0-706375-52-6


979-0-706375-52-6 Timonin Yu. Comp. These many-sided keys. A collection of pieces for the synthesizer without using styles. Middle and senior grades of children's music schools, Faina Publishing House Moscow

Dear colleagues – musicians!
We present to your attention a collection of pieces for the synthesizer without using styles, which is especially attractive for students who began studying the instrument without any experience of piano playing. The compiler of the collection faced several tasks in the process of selecting musical material: the pieces should be relatively easy to perform, well memorable, and of sufficient artistic value. And, what is very important, use the capabilities of the synthesizer as a multitimbral instrument. The compiler dares to hope that he has coped with these tasks. In conclusion, the compiler of the collection considers it necessary to give some explanations:
If after the main voice (instrument) the compiler gives variants of voices, this only means that the compiler of the collection likes the first one better;
In one case, a specific instrument is set for performance (FLUTE, HARP, etc.), in the other - only an instrumental folder (ORGAN, GUITAR, etc.), in the hope that no one would think of performing “Walk Ulla" on a distorted guitar, and Handel's saraband on a jazz organ;
Sustain (extension of sound like a piano pedal) must be set very carefully, in accordance with the tempo of the performance, so that the so-called harmonic "dirt";
In some pieces, the dynamic range is deliberately narrowed by the compiler, since playing the forte can cause unwanted sound distortion, and the piano (due to the lightness of the synthesizer keyboard) is simply difficult to perform.

Author-compiler: Timonin Yu.
Pages: 48.
Soft cover.
Faina Publishing House Moscow 2018
ISMN/ISBN: 979-0-706375-52-6

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