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Guslar's Educational Collection, CPH

Guslar's Educational Collection, CPH
0 vouting
Manufacturer: Publisher Composer Saint Petersburg
Article: 979-0-66004-567-1
Gross Weight (kg): 0.15


979-0-66004-567-1 Guslar's Educational Collection. Etudes for gusli and piano, Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

Reader for students of music schools and amateur playing on the gusli.
Is a unique methodological development in the field of development of technical skills of gusli players.
It contains 29 etudes, which are organized according to the degree of complexity and are separated into phases of their development (I-VII class DMSh). There is a compulsory etude with accompaniment and an etude for solo selection.
Etudes help students learn the most important technical skills while playing the gusli.
These methods of здфнштп can be changed by the teacher at their discretion, depending on the individual characteristics of the students and certain tasks.

Pages: 44.
Compozitor Publishing House – Saint-Petersburg.

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