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Prokofiev S. Sonata for violin and piano, CPH

Prokofiev S. Sonata for violin and piano, CPH
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Manufacturer: Publisher Composer Saint Petersburg
barcode: 9790660009888
Article: 979-0-66000-988-8


979-0-66000-988-8 Prokofiev S. Sonata for violin and piano op. 80, Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

First Sonata for violin and piano f-moll op. 80 was completed by Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953), two years later than the Second (Op. 94).
However, the initial sketches of Sonata f-moll were created in 1938, between the creation of the music for the film "Alexander Nevsky" and the opera "Semyon Kotko."
First performance of the Sonata took place on 23 October 1946 in the Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory: violin - D.Oystah, piano – L.Oborin.
The publication is addressed to students of music schools and conservatories, as well as a concert musicians.

Pages: 52.
Compozitor Publishing House – Saint-Petersburg; 2004.

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