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Belyakaeva-Kazanskaya. Silhouettes of mus. SPb,CPH

Belyakaeva-Kazanskaya. Silhouettes of mus. SPb,CPH
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Manufacturer: Publisher Composer Saint Petersburg
barcode: 9785737904562
Article: 978-5-7379-0456-2
Gross Weight (kg): 0.15


978-5-7379-0456-2 Belyakaeva-Kazanskaya L. Silhouettes of musical Petersburg, Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

The book tells about the musical culture of St. Petersburg from his birth to the present day. The book has a large number of illustrations, an extensive bibliography. The Appendix gives a list of musical theaters and museums, concert halls of St. Petersburg with addresses and phone numbers, named collections of songs about St. Petersburg.
The publication is addressed a wide readership - music lovers, students of music schools, parents who care about aesthetic upbringing of their children, tourists visiting our city. In addition, the book is a textbook for the study of discipline "Music Petersburg" in children's music and art schools.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: "In the beginning was the music." Music in St. Petersburg, Peter the Great
Chapter 2. Music during the reign of Anna Ivanovna (1730-1740)
Chapter 3. Musical Petersburg with Elizaveta Petrovna (1741-1761)
Chapter 4. playing music in St. Petersburg during the reign of Catherine II and Paul I (1762-1801)
Chapter 5. The Hermitage Theatre
Chapter 6, "The Museum of Music." Fountain House Sheremetevs
Chapter 7. Music Yusupov Palace
Chapter 8. Petersburg organs
Chapter 9. House of Engelhardt. Philharmonic Society. Small Hall of the Glinka Philharmonia
Chapter 10: Square of Arts
Chapter 11. "Citadel of high art." Grand Shostakovich Philharmonic Hall
Chapter 12. "Small Ministry of Fine Arts"
Chapter 13: Square of Arts (II)
Chapter 14: "The oldest Russian choir"
Chapter 15: "How lovely these balalaikas!". Petersburg - the birthplace of the Great Russian
orchestra. The feat of Vasily Andreyev
Chapter 16. "Circle of Friends of Chamber Music" (1922-1933)
Chapter 17. Theatres of the Theatre Square
Chapter 18. The first Russian Conservatory
Chapter 19. St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music and its affiliates
Chapter 20. House of Composers of St. Petersburg
Chapter 21. "Second metropolitan opera house." From the People's House of Nicholas II to the Music Hall
Chapter 22. "There was music in the garden." Summer concerts and musical entertainment in the suburbs of St. Petersburg and St. Petersburg gardens
Chapter 23. Born in the end of XX - beginning of the XXI century
Chapter 24. Sights of music in St. Petersburg. M. Belyaev and "Belyaevsky Friday"
Appendix 1
Here the music. Musical theaters, museums, concert halls and palaces of St. Petersburg
Annex 2
Used and recommended literature

Pages: 352.
Compozitor Publishing House - Saint-Petersburg; 2011

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