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Weingartner F. On Conducting, Compozitor Publishing House

Weingartner F. On Conducting, Compozitor Publishing House
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Manufacturer: Publisher Composer Saint Petersburg
Article: 978-5-7379-0811-9


978-5-7379-0811-9 Weingartner F. On Conducting, Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

Felix Weingartner (1863–1942) is one of the greatest conductors in the world, who, along with his contemporaries Hans Richter, Felix Mottl, Gustav Mahler, Arthur Nikisch, created fame for the German-Austrian conductor art of the post-Wagner period.
F. Weingartner's book "On Conducting" was written in 1895 and repeatedly reprinted in German. In 1927, on the initiative and under the editorship of the remarkable conductor and teacher N. A. Malko (1883–1961), it was published in Russian translation by the famous musicologist E. V. Gippius (Triton, Leningrad, 1927). The book, which has become a bibliographic rarity, has retained its relevance to this day.
The proposed reissue will undoubtedly attract the attention of both professional conductors and those who are just taking their first steps in this profession.
Addressed to students of higher educational institutions.

Pages: 52.
Soft cover.
Compozitor Publishing House – Saint-Petersburg.
ISMN: 978-5-7379-0811-9

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